3D Art Resume/Contact Info Demo Reel Texturing Tutorial

James O'Donnell - jeodonnell@gmail.com - (425) 891 - 9688

Shiri Heavy Fighter for Point Defense Systems mod

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Project info:

     Title: Hiigaran Shiri Heavy Fighter
     Date: Fall 2004
     Software: Lightwave, Photoshop, Maya
     Responsibility: Design, model, UV, color map, specular map, importing into game engine
     Statistics: 1500 triangles, 512x512 color and specular map
     Notes: This project was made for the Point Defense Systems mod for Relic's Homeworld 2.
    This heavy fighter was designed to bridge the gap between corvettes and strikecraft. Armred with unusually heavy weaponry, this expensive high-tech strike craft is designed to be able to both take capital ships with its dual plasma repeaters and ventral mount heavy cannon, and dispose of escort strikecraft with its four autocannons, dual MRAM launchers, and dual rear-mount autocannons. While fleet commanders have only limited access to this weapon, it brings a decisive amount of force to the battlespace.

James O'Donnell - jeodonnell@gmail.com - (425) 891 - 9688